Holy Smoke update

So, in between fits of excitement, I’ve been working on Holy Smoke (part two of The Fallen Shepherd Saga) and I’ve just finished the developmental edit. In non-publishing speak, that means it’s almost ready to go: it’s heading back to my beta readers to make sure I haven’t made any (more) mistakes, and the cover is being designed. I have a couple of other projects to work on this week, but I’ve already started writing Book 3, and I’m really happy with the way the saga is coming together.

Update: Holy Smoke will be released on September 20th (PST), and is available for pre-order now here!

Edit: If this post makes no sense, you probably need to start with Holier Than Thou, a standalone short story and the introduction to this serial.

“Hugh Howey knows I exist!”

I’ll blame it on the adrenaline, but those were the words Lisa quoted back at me, and do capture my excitement when I made the Hugh Howey Booktrack fan-fiction competition finalists, and even more so when I saw my name on his blog!

icon-booktrack52x50For the uninitiated, Booktrack is an application that lets you easily augment your writing with an appropriate soundtrack. I won’t claim any musical chops, but that’s why Booktrack provides a substantial library of music and ambient sounds, and a really slick interface to work with.

The competition involved writing a story based on Hugh’s Half Way Home and Booktracking it. My own effort, Coming of Age, was set over a decade after the events of Half Way Home, and you can read (and listen to) it on the finalists page.

There were some downright amazing entries, and I’m really honoured to make it through. A huge thank-you to Hugh Howey and Booktrack, and to all other entrants for making this a positive and supportive experience, and sharing some great stories.

The winner will be announced on September 8th, and I’m off to read/re-read the other finalists’ stories now – I was already blown away by Emily MacGowan’s entry, so I’m bracing myself for an envious half-hour!

Edit: I should add that if you haven’t checked out Hugh’s Wool saga yet, it’s among the best contemporary sci-fi out there. Authors will probably be familiar with Hugh’s advocacy work for indie writers all writers, but his Author Earnings initiative should be mandatory reading for those entering the industry. I found it invaluable when making the decision to self-publish, and a useful ongoing resource when gauging results and sale trends.

Book: Holier Than Thou

My latest project is an urban fantasy serial. Book one, Holier Than Thou, has just been released, beginning the story of an ex-priest and monster-hunter as he continues to battle his demons (worse puns inside).

You think it’s tough, being a priest? It’s even harder when you leave, alive. Especially if you were a holy warrior, a hunter of the dark ones. They’re still out there, and they don’t forget. It pays to have friends in that situation, and Antonio has a friend who pays… So that pays twice? 

Two dead bodies, a know-it-all mentor and a succubus. Not much of a case title, but that’s how this mess began. 

I’m currently working on part two, Holy Smoke, and aiming to release it in early September. Urban fantasy is one of my favourite genres, so I’m really excited to play with my own story, and hope you enjoy it.

Holier Than Thou is out now on Amazon at $0.99.

Book: The Truth Is in Here

Click here to purchase the electronic version of my newest book: The Truth Is in Here, a quirky story told through the voice of an arguably lovable but troubled conspiracy theorist.

The paper version is now also available on Amazon, at the same link. ($3.99 and $12.00 USD, respectively)

Martin has a problem. Several, actually. His girlfriend thinks he’s insane, that’s probably number one on his list. The bills are a lesser worry, admittedly, but won’t pay themselves. Oh, and a nebulous evil organisation is scheming against him, which is also of concern.

Martin must appease said girlfriend, persuade his closest friends of their imminent peril, and come to terms with a pseudo-homeless thespian who, against all evidence to the contrary, just might be his saviour. It’s all taking longer than he expected.

Part manifesto and part cry for help, this book offers Martin’s truth, which he needs to share with you.

If you aren’t one of them.


Editing frenzy

Just a quick update and a thank you to my wonderful Beta Readers. I’m currently editing The Truth Is in Here based on your feedback, along with the first two books of a serial story.

I’ve also been writing a few short stories that I can’t share on the blog yet (because they’re entered in competitions) but will have a more creative update soon.

Thanks as always for reading, I’m looking forward to putting down the red pen and getting the book(s) out there!