Inkling, noun: a feeling of truth or likelihood that tugs at the awareness, but is difficult to pin down.
The image of the inkling as formative idea, a fleeting creature captured and exposed in the flow of ink onto a page, is a figure with lasting appeal, even in a digital age. is the publishing imprint of Ravlich Consulting Ltd., and is much easier to spell. This site offers a current publishing schedule, some of Peter’s shorter works, links to our publications, and semi-regular updates and announcements.
Site content includes writing exercises, experimental pieces and early draft previews, so please note that quality will vary. As advised elsewhere, posts may contain colourful (foul) language, sexual and violent content, or otherwise be unsuitable for human consumption.
About Peter
My love of reading and writing has been a life-long constant, and I crave that moment when a word or a phrase trips some uncharted neurological circuit, delivering a moment of epiphany or emotion.
In 2007, I channelled this passion into founding a communications company, where we help clients to realise the power of language to transform their organisations. Alongside client projects, I continued to write poetry and short fiction for several years, until my amazing wife threatened to go all Misery on me if I didn’t sit down and complete one of my longer works.
All digits intact, I’ve since published a quirky dark comedy, an urban fantasy serial novel (currently under revision), and have several other projects nearing completion.
My poetry, non-fiction and fiction have been shortlisted and awarded prizes in various competitions, and one day I might be comfortable enough to use the “prizewinning author” label. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have people read and enjoy my work.