I’m really excited to announce the conclusion to the Fallen Shepherd Saga, On Holy Ground.
It’s written, beta-read, edited and waiting on a couple of administrative details to go live… Hopefully by the beginning of next week. The blurb is one of those details, so I’ll leave you in suspense until then!
Now available on Amazon for $2.99 USD – link.
I’m also preparing a combined anthology version of the Saga, which will include an expansion to Holier Than Thou, but that will be a few weeks out.
Update 6/05/15: On Holy Ground is now in the publishing queue, and will be live in a few hours’ time! Here’s the blurb, while you wait:
“Lead me not into temptation.” It’s a petition, not a guarantee. And some temptations run deep.
The war is begun, and Rome is on the move. Something is stalking the hunters, and Antonio appears to be their most wanted. It should be flattering, given the circumstances, but they had to get personal about it.
With an ancient evil in play, Antonio must choose between the people he loves and his very soul. And he just might take the world with him.